The host of the BBC No.1 chat show, Jameela Jamil, has been selected has made her way to Marvel by joining the She-Hulk. A trilled Jamila announced this news by posting a tik-tok video with the caption- “I can’t believe that I get to say this but..” where she was seen practising punches with her instructor.
Updates so far
The President of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, stated that She-Hulk would be a half-hour legal comedy that would run for ten episodes. The Good place star confirmed her involvement with Marvel after successive first rounds. Though the role she would be playing has not yet been confirmed, speculations have come up that the role she will be playing is of Titania, where she acts as a formidable villain to our lead superhero.
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In the comics, our lead is born Mary MacPherson, who possesses superhuman strength and resistance to injury after a faulty bloody transfusion from her cousin Bruce Wayne. Likely she will pose a threat to Tatania Masleney, whom she aims to throw down.
When Will We Be Able To Watch It?
The shooting has commenced in early April. The other cast members star Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Wayne, Tim Roth as the villain from the Incredible Hulk, Ginger Gonza as the unnamed friend of the lead.
The shooting of She-Hulk is predicted to be concluding in the upcoming weeks, though, and it is being expected that the show will be premiered around the mid of 2022.
What’s New?
Taking a hint from Fiege’s previous interviews, fans are expecting a dynamic change in the Marvel franchise from the upcoming series. Marvel cinematic universe is now trying to unearth the secrets of our favorite gamma radiated superhero and has shown inclination towards trying something new, as seen in Wanda Vision and ‘What if…?’
She-Hulk will be playing on to the sillier side of Hulk, giving the audience a chance to understand their big green guy more. This legal comedy will give Ruffalo’s Hulk to come to terms with someone from his league.
Rest stay tuned with us to know more.