Vikings are a group of sea-faring people living in the world’s Scandinavian region (Norway, Denmark, and Sweden). The show revolves around the main character of Ragnar Lothbrok and his ferocious family, he is a Norse hero who started as a mere farmer in the kingdom of Kattegat but using his wit and valo, he goes on to become the Earl of Kattegat.
Ragnar is married to shield-maiden Lagertha, a valorous and witty woman, competent enough to govern a kingdom and fight a war. Both the spouses are head over heels for each other, which can be seen in many instances. Still, the relationship undergoes a phase of turmoil when the Seer prophesizes that Lagertha won’t be able to conceive anymore. This brings in another character of the story, the second wife of Ragnar, princess of Gotaland Aslaug, and is a volva; meaning can predict future happenings. Ruffled by the Seer’s prophecy, Ragnar, in his trip to Gotaland, ends up sleeping and impregnating Aslaug in a casual encounter, who, to stake her claim, arrives at the gate of Kattegat.
The arrival of Aslaug was a turning point in the relationship between Lagertha and Ragnar, as he wanted her to stay back in Kattegat and share his marriage with Aslaug, which she found disgusting and left. She is seen marrying Earl of Hedeby Sigvard, who was an abusive person to both her and Bjorn.
Worst things Ragnar did to Lagertha
1. Impregnated Aslaug: Though in love and married to Lagertha, who accepted Ragnar with all her flaws, but he got swayed by Aslaug’s beauty and went on to impregnate her. This act was deceitful and disrespectful for a wife like Lagertha, who had stood with Ragnar through the thicks and thins, just for the reason that she wasn’t able to conceive anymore and wouldn’t be able to give birth to more heirs of the throne.
2. Humiliated Lagertha: When Ragnar’s extra-marital affair with Aslaug was confirmed, Lagertha was still ready to forgive Ragnar, but instead, Ragnar wanted her to live like a second-class woman in the marriage and wanted her to share the marriage with Aslaug.
Lagertha rightfully deserved to be seated beside Ragnar as the queen of Kattegat as she had the brains to govern a kingdom which she proved, while she handled the administration of Kattegat while Ragnar was away raiding England, thus making Aslaug queen of Kattegat was the peak of disrespect.
3. Left her during her pregnancy: After killing Earl Haraldson and naming himself as the new Earl of Kattegat, Ragnar again set out to raid further inside England; he undertook the expedition even though he was aware of the fact that Lagertha was pregnant with his child and hence refrained from fulfilling the role of a good and diligent husband, by staying by her side.
4. Ragnar’s ambitiousness resulted in turmoil: There have been multiple instances when Lagertha is seen blaming Ragnar for the pillaging of their farms when Ragnar was on a voyage to England. Earl Haraldson was intimidated by the rise of Ragnar and hence destroyed the farms that Ragnar held and tried to kill his family.
5. Failed to provide her help to gain back the rightful throne: Lagertha went raiding with Ragnar to England along with a few men and women of her kingdom, leaving behind the administration of her kingdom to Kalf, but he backstabbed her and took over her throne, when Lagertha approached Ragnar for help, he instead of helping offered Kalf to partner him in winning over Frankia.
Worst things Legartha did to Ragnar
1. Legartha took Bjorn away: Lagertha separated a father from his son. After Ragnar accepted Aslaug and proposed to Lagertha to share him with Aslaug, which she refused and decided to move away, she took with her Bjorn and went away to Hedeby. Instead, she could have stayed close so that Bjorn could grow up with his father.
2. Lagertha had a relationship with Rollo: Rollo, the fierce bear of a Viking, was the first of the Lothbrok brothers to love Lagertha. However, when Ragnar came into the picture and was willing to marry Lagertha, her lack of clarity about the depth of the relationship with Rollo caused sourness between the brothers. She had spent quality and intimate time with Rollo, and of which she was in a dilemma about the parentage of Bjorn.
3. Lagertha lied about Bjorn’s parentage: Lagertha, while in relation with Ragnar, also started seeing Rollo, the other Lothbrok brother, and even spent some “quality time” together; hence there are ample chances that Bjorn could be Rollo’s son. Lagertha, though they knew of this, deceitfully hid it from Ragnar and Bjorn. There may be chances that Bjorn may not be the throne heir, as he likely believes.
4. Legartha chooses her best interest over anyone else: Lagertha seems to be a self-centred woman. She always thought about what was best for her interest. One of her worse decision was to marry Earl Sigvard, who abused Bjorn right through her childhood, she also kept a son away from his father, who loved him dearly.
5. Lagertha killed the queen of Kattegat: During Ragnar’s exile period, Lagertha attacked Kattegat and took over the throne from Aslaug. Though the relations between Ragnar and Aslaug had its bitterness, still she was his wife, the mother of his children. She killed Aslaug even though Aslaug was ready to renounce her title and asked for safe; Lagertha sought revenge for her failed marriage with Ragnar, as she held Aslaug responsible for the same.