Every time you hear about a Viking lifestyle, the first thought that pops up the mind is a blonde man with horned helmets, stronger, muscular with sword and axe in hands, wearing animal flesh clothes and engaged in loathsome tasks. But, surely, we have a wrong image of a Viking. Vikings are much more than what movies define them. Invaded by boat from Scandinavia, modern-day Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland, Vikings were brave-hearted humans with strong principles and a set of lifestyle rules settled in various European and Asian countries and formed a civilization. Wait, no, Vikings were not about raiding and ravaging a place and doing absurd acts but about living and surviving with the best brains and life hacks. Vikings were the bravest, intelligent, and curious humans with high intellectual level who invaded the world. They worked as a peasant and farmer and were highly hygienic with immense interest in tattoos and jewelry. The more you go in-depth, the more you want to know about the Vikings.
So let’s move towards learning more about the vikings Lifestyle in-depth:-
#1. Vikings were sailors
Invaded to parts of Europe, Asia, and North America from their town Scandinavia, Vikings used to sail through a larger distance only to raid and plunder and even for human trafficking. Vikings used to live for years on the boat, surviving the harsh sea climate, which made them hefty and robust.
#2. Vikings were engaged in Farming
Most of the Vikings were occupied in farming, either growing barley, oats, and rye, or rearing cattle like goats, sheep, pigs, etc. It is unbelievable yet true, Vikings men were not seen only with swords and axes, but also in the farms, growing their food and making money by trading the farm produce.
#3. Simple houses to combat chilly weather
Timber houses with a thatched roof, a rectangular room with a triangular canopy formed a Vikings house. Simple and equipped with practical designs, vikings lifestyle was all about a small timber house and farming.
#4. Wore Animal Skin
Animals were certainly a major and dominant part of vikings lives. Wearing robes and gowns made of wool and animal leather to keep them warm, English, and Scottish essence inspired most of the Viking’s clothes.
#5. Hygiene was their priority
Wondering how Vikings maintained cleanliness and hygiene on the boats? Surprisingly, they were the only ones who fabricated tweezers, ear cleaners, and razors from bones and horns. Moreover, it would be a fun fact to know that Vikings bath once a week. No, it was not less; rather, it was more frequent than any other European community.
#6. Believed in Thor and Loki as their deities
Though they never had a single deity or place to worship, Vikings believed in God of lightning Thor in the early days. Most of the gods they worshipped were the God of elements that were a part of the vikings lifestyle. With time, they converted into Christianity.
#7. Viking Women enjoyed basic rights
Ever wondered about the conditions of women in 600 AD, a picture of a lady only treated as an article without any rights pops up the mind. Right? However, in Vikings, the situation was upside down as women enjoyed basic rights of choosing their husbands, ask for a divorce, reclaim their dowry and even inherit a property, which is still missing in few civilizations.
#8. Vikings ate what they grew
Animal flesh of the reared cattle, pork, and other protein sources occupied half of the Vikings plate and bread made up of grains they harvested from the farms. Moreover, sailor Vikings ate a lot of seafood and fish for their survival. vikings lives were dependent upon their conditions and farming practices.
#9. Engaged in sports and board games for a pastime
Vikings were strong and muscular and hence encouraged sports like wrestling, swimming, weapon training, mountain climbing, etc. Vikings men also enjoyed skiing in their free time. Apart from this, board games made of wood, amber, horns, and bones were their favorite pastimes.
#10. Survived in harsh conditions
Long winters with a minimum temperature of -30 degrees Celsius and terrain covered with forests and hills, vikings lives are truly worth appreciating for the rough and harsh conditions they have survived in.
#11. Buried their corpse in boats
Boats and sails were a prime part of Viking lives, and they consider burying a dead in their boats itself. Isn’t it Strange? Yes, Vikings used to pack the corpse with all the valuable and essential items in a leather cloth and buried it in the boats itself with the belief that the soul after the demise will travel to their final destinations if they are laid down in a boat.
#12. Vikings never believed in Unity
Vikings were a community that grew from small tribes who use to fight for their living with each other. They were never united and led by a single ruler. Rather, in overseas countries, vikings lifestyle was all about creating havoc and following some self-made rules.
Involved in the Slave Trade plight
Not only active in incursion and ravaging, but Vikings were also very active in “human trafficking.” Most of the Vikings earned money by the slave trade through sea routes in Europe and the Middle East.
#13. Enthusiastic about Jewellery and Tattoos
Vikings were a tribe that was fantasized about bling in their clothing and art designs on their bodies due to metal jewelry like amulets, bracelets carved of gold, amber, and silver besides tattoos with carbon ash was famous among them.
#14. Brave and Intelligent
Known for their strength and bravery, Vikings were undoubtedly intellectual beings with a problem-solving mindset. They were both physically and mentally fit to sanction harsh living situations. From using the liquid to ignite the fire to survive with the least resources in the rough terrain, they surely proved bravery and intellect were a major part of vikings lives.
Vikings were a truly energetic and intellectual tribe, but the harsh conditions made them raiders and pillage. Undoubtedly, Vikings were full of life and held a lot of facts and history. Knowing about them surely makes us celebrate the ancestral heritage and their bravery and intellect. It is very difficult to live like a viking