Tom Cruise is the most persistent actor, he has done a lot of scenes that can shock people when they see him. Although Cruise is no longer young, but the courage in him is not lost, and he still dares to perform dangerous stunts, creating scenes to perfect his films.
Many film studios refused to perform, scenes that could endanger the life of the actor, but that did not apply to Cruise. He did not even hesitate to dismiss the one who refused his will.
This is a list of 10 crazy scenes, which Tom Cruise performed in the filming of his action movie.
1. Jump out of helicopter Mission: Impossible 7th series
Tom Cruise is known as the most daring actor, and is not afraid of risks, which can harm him, he has become a very great performer of action films, and amazed his fans. Especially Mission: Impossible.
In his first act, Tom Cruise performed a dangerous scene, which saw him jump out of a helicopter above 10,000 feet, claiming to have been practicing for years.
“I have long wanted to do it. For what? Audience”. Tom Cruise is featured on the UIP Movies YouTube channel.
The practice in this deadly scene is quite extreme, so it is very professional in performing its role. He has jumped from helicopters at least 30 times a day with his team.
During his press conference in South Korea, Tom Cruise revealed the background to the incident.
“When I did that jump scene, there were a lot of possibilities that happened. I only had a few seconds before I had to open the parachute. And you can see it in a longer version on the internet, when I did a test jump from a helicopter. I did a series of tests, because I jumped from the top of a cliff, and there was a lot of vibration there”. By Tom Cruise.
Director McQuarrie never worried about Tom Cruise’s safety.
“We are very focused on safety and also the security of the implementation. There are many departments working together synchronously, so you don’t have time to think about it. Moreover, we have been for a long time, rehearsing this scene”. Said the director.
2. Run away from the explosion of a lobster tank with flying glass fragments
This is not the most spectacular scene in the series. But escaping from the explosion of a lobster tank with flying glass fragments is quite dangerous. Cruise suffered a severe injury to his ankle, which pierced through broken glass at the scene, which used chewing gum to blow up a huge tank of water weighing 16 tons.
Director Brian De Palma originally planned to use a stunt double, but instead asked Cruise to film it himself, for added realism.
Even though he could hurt himself in the process, Crusie nevertheless stepped forward to take realistic action throughout walaraba.
Not Tom Cruise, if not dare to take that action. He is very good at performing, dangerous scenes, which are rarely performed by a line of other actors.
3. Jumping from a motorcycle, flying on the top of Mount Helsetkopen, Norway
In the film Mission Impossible, Tom Cruise opens the film with the most dangerous scene, which is jumping on his trail bike from a cliff of death in Norway. Not only did he jump, he also parachuted.
It is so dangerous, says The Bike World website, that the stunt scenes shown are the most dangerous scenes ever shown in a film.
This is actually done as a preventive measure. If it fails and makes Tom Cruise injured, then the filming process will be temporarily stopped, until he recovers completely. And vice versa, if successful, then the process will run according to a predetermined schedule.
In fact, the rare scene remains the opening scene of his latest film, Mission Impossible.
“So, whether you really want to continue or not, it depends on the first day”. Cruise quoted from The Daily Mail.
According to stunt coordinator Wade Eastwood. Tom Cruise has done a lot of training, so the most special crazy stunts were successfully recorded. He told babwa before the recording, Tom Cruise practiced 500 parachutes, and 13,000 jumps from a motorcycle.
“Once he’s fully capable, we will then simulate it in three dimensions, aiming to predict how Tom Cruise will perform the scene”. the explanation.
Tom Cruise’s coach, Mile Daisher, said the incident was dangerous to his safety. No one dares to ride a motorcycle, then jump off a cliff.
Even Tom Cruise had to ride a motorcycle with a slight braking when jumping. If it falls, it will roll over, and be thrown off the cliff.
“If you fail in the scene, the result is only two, severe injury or death”. Mile Daisher said.
Amazingly, Cruise managed to process the dangerous scene 6 times. Because he feels less than perfect.
“I believe this is the most dangerous action scene in the history of cinema”. John DeVore an extreme sports commentator, who was also involved in its filming .
4. Rock climbing at Dead Horse Point, Utah. Mission Impossible II (2000)
The scene, shown as the opening scene of Mission Impossible II (2000), was done without any security assistance.
Tom Cruise made several jumps from one side of the cliff to the other, which, of course, was terrible to look at. From the scene, he shows Ethan Hunt, hanging by one hand, until he finally reaches the top.
Actually, this one scene is not really needed for the plot of the film, but thanks to the action of Tom Cruise, who hangs on a high cliff and is also creepy, making the film Get a lot of praise from his fans.
How could he do so wonderfully, not even himself worrying about falling into the abyss.
5. Climbing The Burj Khalifa Building, Ghost Protocol (2011)
Tom Cruise himself has been known as an actor who always has a crazy desire to do crazy scenes in his films, he is not quite satisfied if, the film in his role does not show scenes that are truly amazing and make many people amazed., by its harmful action. Fortunately, Cruise always had enough time to keep practicing, before actually doing the scene.
He tried so hard to look perfect in his fourth series in Mission Impossible, even he had to climb the tallest building in the world for the filming process of Ghost Protocol, in Burj Khalifa, Dubai.
The building is a skyscraper that has a height of 2,717 feet.
Apart from the scene that Cruise did, which put his life at risk. He even said that his wife, as well as his daughter were not worried about the work done by him.
“Kate knows I hike, I ride a motorcycle, I hike, and I fly planes. He just said Just Do your job, it will be very supportive and helpful”. Tom Cruise, as reported by The Sun.
For him, showing dangerous scenes is a challenge in his life, he does not want to fool the audience by showing fake scenes.
“I hope I don’t fall”. Cruise said, as he climbed, and ran outside the building, which has a 163rd floor.
6. Hanging on the wings of an airplane, Rogue Nation (2015)
Tom Cruise flew a Boeing b75n1 stearman 1941 plane, and did a crazy scene that could make anyone die, if doing such a scene. after reaching an altitude of 2000 feet. He came out and showed his death defying action, by hanging on the wing of the plane, so that the plane reversed direction.
And worse, he did that dangerous scene using only a safety rope.
You can imagine, when the rope breaks, Tom Cruise will die, there is no way to save him.
But again, he managed to perform the scene perfectly, without any injuries or mistakes. He had been training for weeks, and taking practice classes, plane flights to prepare for that crazy scene.
7. Dive for 3 minutes, Rogue Nation (2015)
Not only dangerous scenes, which are performed in the air. But the actor, who has experience in actions films, also shows quite dangerous scenes in the water.
“I’ve done a lot of scenes, underwater. But we wanted to make the underwater scenery, which is more stressful without being cut off. So, I think by doing the scene it will be very interesting”. Cruise told USA today.
Tom Cruise admitted that he had been doing strenuous exercise for a week in the water. With its expert supervision.Which is shown in the film, and completely without the slightest engineering.
“We hold, 6-6.5 minutes. So I do exercises, and other things on location”. Cruise said.
Although in her practice she dives holding her breath for 6 minutes, in the movie scene, she is only required to hold her breath in the water, at least 3 minutes.
8. Free to fall (HALLO), in Shanghai high rise, Mission Impossible III (2006)
In the process of doing this Hallo scene, it took a very tight rehearsal time. The risk of this scene, especially from very high altitudes, is that it can expose people to hypoxia, or lack of oxygen.
A person performing a Hallo scene, must wear special safety clothing and a helmet, and must be oxygenated. But that, however, could not change the will of the brave actor.
In total, Tom Cruise has performed the Hallo jump exercise 106 times.Which he did for several weeks, with his ankle badly injured.
Action scenes made differently from other action movies do have their own purpose. According to the cast and crew, they made the film by showing dangerous actions, because to create a sensation for the audience. So that the audience knows that the film is an original scene without making it up.
9. Jumping from one building to another
In the process of filming the scene jump from building to building, completely injured, so that her process stalled for six weeks while she recovered.
In the scene, when installing two security cables, Cruise is intended to jump from one tall building to another, in pursuit of Henry Cavill’s character.
The actor noted that he “knew right away it was broken”. Cruise also revealed that he is still in the process of healing his ankle.
What do you think, is this scene crazy?
As you know, this one actor, never refuses any dangerous scenes, he can always do it very well.
Are you as brave as him?
10. Skydiving, Fall (2018)
Tom Cruise did a lot of jumping scenes, and he also parachuted at an altitude of 25 thousand feet, or about 7,620 meters. Cruise did not do this scene alone, there was one photographer and also his stuntman Henry Cavill. But precisely it is dangerous because it allows them to collide with each other above the air.
The shooting process plummeted from top to bottom, lasting only 3 minutes. This scene was done only once at night, so the shooting process became the most complicated process.
The dangerous crazy scene that handsome actor Tom Cruise once did, for the sake of making a film that shocked the audience, is no longer in doubt in the process.