All the lightsabers in Star Wars have acted as the show’s spirit since the 1970s. Some fans like Ahsoka’s lightsabers, while others are obsessed with Kylo Ren’s crossguard lightsaber. However, one lightsaber is considered the favourite one among all the Star Wars fans. It is called the Skywalker lightsaber.
Skywalker lightsaber is a single Standard type blue lightsaber. It has a normal cylindrical hilt, which is what we see most lightsabers. The blue colour is also very common and used by most of the Jedi. This blue lightsaber was somewhat special than other lightsabers.
Why is it called a skywalker lightsaber, and why special? Well, there is a reason for this name. We normally see Jedis or Siths using two or three lightsabers in their lifetime. Have you heard about a lightsaber that was used by three different Jedis? Let’s find out about the Skywalker lightsaber.
Anakin Skywalker Lightsaber
The very first wielder of Skywalker lightsabers was Anakin Skywalker. He was the real owner of this lightsaber. After achieving the rank of Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker left his green lightsaber. He crafted a new lightsaber with blue Kyber crystal. The blue lightsaber was the colour for Jedi knights and above ranks.
Anakin used a Skywalker lightsaber against Darth Tyrannous and hundreds of battle droids in Clone wars. He wielded the skywalker lightsaber against Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar planet for the last time.
Obi-Wan had the upper ground, so he defeated Darth Vader, aka Anakin Skywalker. Obi-Wan took the skywalker lightsaber and left. This lightsaber stayed in Obi-Wan’s possession for many years, and he kept it safe.
Luke Skywalker Lightsaber
After the Empire rose to power, Obi-Wan took the newborn Luke Skywalker on the Tattoine planet. He kept an eye on Luke and looked after him until he reached the age of maturity.
Obi-Wan gave him the skywalker lightsaber telling him that it was his father’s lightsaber. Luke Skywalker was one of the few Jedis not to craft his lightsaber. Luke Skywalker wielded a skywalker lightsaber in the original trilogy of Star Wars.
The skywalker lightsaber was lost after Luke was defeated against his father in Cloud city. After the Empire ended, Luke came back searching for Skywalker Lightsaber, but he did not find it, so he created a new green lightsaber. No one knew what happened to the skywalker lightsaber, and it stayed lost for many years.
Rey Skywalker Lightsaber
Many years after the Empire ended, the dark Force started to rise again. Snoke created the First Order with his apprentice Kylo Ren.
Not only the dark side but the light side also began to show up. Rey is only a scavenger who finds her way into Han Solo’s ship. Han Solo needed some parts for his ship, so they went on a planet to meet Han’s old friend Maz.
In Maz’s castle, Rey felt whispers of someone calling her. In the basement, she found a lightsaber. This lightsaber was nothing else but the long-lost skywalker lightsaber.
“Where did you get that?” Han asked.
“This is a Story for another time,” Maz replied.
This mystery did not unfold, but it was the journey of Skywalker’s lightsaber in another skywalker’s hand. Rey was not a skywalker, but since she was an apprentice to both Leia Skywalker and Luke Skywalker, she decided to use this name with herself.
Throughout Star Wars Episode VII, VIII, and IX, Rey wielded Skywalker lightsabers and skillfully used it against Kylo Ren.
She used this lightsaber against Palpatine, who had appeared from somewhere again. She killed Palpatine with the same Skywalker lightsaber. The dark shadows of the Sith Emperor were wiped out with a skywalker lightsaber.
After defeating Palpatine, Rey Skywalker buried Skywalker’s lightsaber and wielded a new one. That was the fate of the skywalker lightsaber. Three Skywalkers from three different generations wielded this blue lightsaber, hence called Skywalker lightsaber.