Good Girls is an American crime comedy-style television series produced on February 26, 2018, by Jenna Bans. The series is produced for Universal Television by Bans, Dean Parisot and Jeannine Renshaw.
NBC’s Good Girls drama series was officially terminated after 4 seasons. The show was in talks about Netflix for Season 5 because the platform was the home stream of a global rights deal, but after not reaching a funding agreement, the platform was bailed out to pick up the series.
The latest five episodes of season 4 will continue with NBC’s broadcast by creator Jenna Bans and Universal Television.
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The series, which stars Christina Hendricks, Mae Whitman, and Retta as friends who become involved in a criminal operation, had secured Netflix’s streaming commitment even before it debuted on NBC, which covered production expenses but ultimately prevented Universal Television from prospering.
Good Girls was one of the few broadcast shows to have both linear and streaming arrangements, as that model has proven ineffective for both streamers and networks, especially now that many networks have their own streaming services.
What is the storyline of the series?
The plot follows three Michigan suburban mothers, two of whom are sisters, who have difficulty finding ends. They are tired of taking everything away from them, so they decide to rob a supermarket of an unexpected theft, only to find them in more than they anticipated. Their successful robbery calls the shop manager’s attention when he recognizes one of the women, but for something different than the money.
What were the ratings of the show?
You might be startled to learn that Good Girls has always had low ratings. Season 4 of the drama averaged a dismal 0.7 in the 18-49 adult demographic on live television, losing more than 22% of viewers year over year.
Would Universal Studios charge more for a Netflix adaptation?
Universal TV most likely expected Netflix to bear additional production costs for the series if it became a Netflix original, which did not make commercial sense based on the statistics.
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So did Good Girls suffer the same casualty like that of Manifest?
Netflix was formerly considered a sort of last-chance saloon for series lost, wayward, or—to put it bluntly—just plain cancelled. However, in recent years, Netflix has backed away from its reputation as a television saviour. Notably, although boasting that the show was one of its most-watched when it was just added to its streaming collection, it declined to purchase the third season of similar NBC casualty Manifest.