The trailer for the upcoming family adventure comedy film “Clifford the Big Red Dog” dropped on 29th June 2021. Based on the famous children’s books that go by the same name, this film follows the story of Clifford the Red Dog, who goes onto becoming the Big Dog. Condition to being the Big Dog is unconditional love and acceptance by Emily and Uncle Casey. Being a family entertainer, the movie serves as an entertainment blaster for one and all.
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Looking at the trailer and initial reactions, the story acts as a developed version of the Original Clifford books and series written by Norman Bridwell that kids cherished for years. Set in Manhattan, the film is expected to have a perfect blend of wholesome moments with shots of slapstick comedy and a few crucial elements. But since it is an adapted version of the original series, it is bound to face challenges in making people fall in love with the movie as compared to the classic books or series.
The Clifford book series that started in 1963 came with different stories in each edition. Every other book focused on different moments in Clifford the Big Red Dog’s life. This movie has the pressure to combine that classic long-loved book series into 1 movie of a few hours. The makers have to keep the loyal fan base of the Clifford series hooked onto the adapted version, and any type of disconnect may hinder the fan’s expectations.
Trailer interpretations:
From the trailer, it became evident that Clifford is back again, and he is here to stay. But the one thing that became a point of discussion is the CGI effect in the film. The CGI of the movie looked plain and rather unrealistic in some shots and sequences. This may be because of any alterations in the pre-production quality budget reflected in the trailer.
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After the CGI criticism and judgment, it remains unclear whether the bland graphics are a result of pre-production, and more development is still to be completed by Paramount Pictures. Fans expect improvement in CGI quality in the post-production result.
Credits and expected release schedule:
Produced by Jordan Kerner, Clifford the Big Red Dog has a cast that includes Jack Whitehall, Tony Hale, Darby Camp, and many more. With high intense drama and family-packed adventure that is sure to entertain people of all age walks, Clifford, the Big Red Dog, directed by Walt Becker, is set to have a theatrical release on September 17, 2021, and an OTT release on the Paramount+ platform 45 days after its release.