Hightown is not your average teen drama series. The show is created by Rebecca Cutter, Gary Lennon, Jerry Bruckheimer, and Jonathan Littman. The series features drug use, addiction, and the war on drugs. But most importantly, it is centered around a murder mystery case. The first season of Hightown was a huge success for Starz TV and got us hooked.
The show is centered around Jackie Quinones. She is a marine officer who loves alcohol, drugs, and partying. She discovers the dead body of Sherry Henry, an opioid addict. The washed-up dead body makes Jackie question her lifestyle.
When she tries to investigate the story and the reason behind the death of Sherry Henry, it only makes Jackie more scared for herself. Krista witnesses the murder of Sherry Henry.
Krista was the best friend of Sherry and a drug addict. The trauma of these events encourages Jackie to become sober. She goes on to investigate the murder with Ray Abruzzo, who works with the interagency narcotics unit. They go on to discover that this crime is very complicated. As deeper the show dwells into the murder and the problematic lives of Cape Cod, you can expect a new version of Jackie to come out.
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When will Hightown Season 2 air?
The critically acclaimed crime drama series is set to air on Starz TV on 17th October 2021.
What is the Cast of Hightown Season 2?
You will continue to see Monica Raymond as Jackie Quinones. Amaury Nolasco as Frankie Cuevas Sr. He is a drug kingpin in Cape Cod. Renee Segna is played by Riley Voelkel, who is dating Frankie and is a stripper. Shane Harper plays Junior, a drug dealer and friend to Jackie. James Badge Dale plays Ray Abruzzo.
He is a sergeant in the Massachusetts state police. He has been assigned to the Cape Cod narcotics unit. You will also see Dohn Norwood, who plays Alan Saintille, who is also assigned to the Cape Cod narcotics unit.
How many episodes are there in Hightown Season 2?
The New Season of Hightown Season 2 will air every Sunday, just like season one of the show did. The new season of the show will collectively have 8 episodes of one hour each.